مارس 96 in a sentence
Example sentences included in the dictionary:
- 96式主战坦克 88C式主战坦克即96式主战坦克,性能相当于苏制T-72坦克。 中国96式主战坦克是中国第二代主战坦克(MBT)计划的最后发展型。 由于59系列坦克属于战后第一代坦克,主要战技性能已经严重落后,未来装备性能更加先进的96式主战坦克势在必行。 88C式坦克是88式坦克中最代表性的坦克,又称96式主战坦克,是我军自行研制的第三代主战坦克,是目前我解放军的主战装备。...
- 96式攻击机 遭我空军及地面防空部队反击,被击落96式攻击机1架、94式轻轰炸机2架、93式侦察机3架。 1938年,“赤城”号进行了一次大改装,拆除原来的炮塔甲板和起飞甲板,将最上层甲板延长变成飞行甲板,舰载机数量增加到91架(96式战斗机16架、96式攻击机51架、96式俯冲轰炸机24架),运送飞机的升降机也由2座增加到3座,飞行甲板左舷增设舰岛。
- 96式坦克 广场的仍将是较为“老式”的99式和96式坦克。 国内对96式坦克的公开报道首见于1993年出版的《兵器知识》,当时公开的型号为85-2M。 96A型是96式坦克的改进型,是在三代大改坦克服役之前,解决我国三代坦克数量不足的一个权宜之计。 通过安装附加装甲和上反稳像式观瞄解决了96式坦克防护力和火控能力不足的缺点,综合性能与俄制T90C型坦克相当。 第26集团军...
- 96 bc In 96 BC, a series of witchcraft persecutions began. In 96 BC the Romans subdued the Dardani. Ptolemy died in 96 BC and he implemented the terms of his father s will for Cyrenaica. Strabo...
- 96 bce In 96 BCE, the Hasmonean king Alexander Jannaeus besieged the city for a year.
- 96 dots per inch Windows machines usually display fonts at 96 dots per inch, while a Macintosh will show the fonts at 72 dots per inch.
- 96 dpi So for example 96 dpi translates to a resolution of 265 ?m. Your average screen resolution today, on an SVGA system, is about 96 dpi. It has taken 10 or 12 years for mainstream users to go...
- 96 fuckries In January 2012, Jme released a single, " 96 Fuckries ", which entered the chart at number 41.
- 96 hours NATO gave Milosevic 96 hours to comply or face an airstrike. His burns were severe, and he died after 96 hours. Mission duration was 96 hours, 57 minutes, 35 seconds. I would recommend som...
- 96 minutes Travel Trivia answer : Old Faithful erupts every 33 to 96 minutes. Not in distribution but rental copies available . 96 minutes. GODZILLA VS . MEGALON ( 1976, 96 minutes ). Within 96 minut...
- 96 ppi To find the PPI values discernible at 20 / 20, simply divide the values in the above table by the visual acuity ratio ( e . g . 96 PPI / ( 20 / 10.5 vision ) = 50.4 PPI for 20 / 20 vision ...
- 96 quite bitter beings CKY themselves have described " 96 Quite Bitter Beings " as " one of the band's most popular tracks ". Despite its lack of commercial success, " Volume 1 " features a number of the band's ...
- 96 rock In the early 1980s, 96 Rock cultivated a somewhat macho image. There was 96 Rock blasting from Three Dollar Cafe. This did not cause a dramatic change in 96 Rock's playlist, however. Until...
- 96 street Construction on the new project commenced in 2007, and the first phase ( to 96 Street ) opened on New Years'Day 2017. The Heritage Quarter would consist of a stretch of Jasper Avenue betwe...
- 96 tears After 86 years, plus one million and 96 tears. The rerecorded version of " 96 Tears " was subsequently incorporated into compilations. Question Mark and The Mysterians-- 96 Tears "After ` ...
- 96 trent fm Stoydi was created by Jo & Twiggy from 96 Trent FM as a fictitious toy. Matt is also a radio presenter, and in early 2007 could be heard on Capital Radio in London and 96 Trent FM in Notti...
- 96 well plate For example, most early experiments were conducted in 96 well plates, an environment that does not provide any flow. Zoom Blot's 96 well plate format allows convenient signal detection and...
- 96年 96年独自从廊坊来北京个人发展。 从96年起的10年辉煌间,佳作不断。 西安电大临床医学大专96年毕业。 96年6月破土动工,9月1日交付使用。 ”1 99 6年,社长二赴中国。 96年研制发明了“一种广谱抗毒。 96年北大本科毕业,2000年硕士毕业。 1 99 6年受聘为河北画院画师。 两人96年之后就没有新单曲推出。 1 99 6年,行里建营业大厦。 1 99 6年张...
- 96应召名册 此外,娱乐圈的灰色地带还被拍成电影《艺坛照妖镜之96应召名册》。 古惠珍还在表现娱乐圈灰色地带的电影《艺坛照妖镜之96应召名册》中客串自己。
- 96芯光缆 传输方面96芯光缆主要是以单模和多模两种规格。 在结构上96芯光缆主要分为室外和室内两种结构类型。 96芯光缆是内置有96根光纤(成分是二氧化硅,石英玻璃)的通讯线缆。 在型号选型方面96芯光缆主要以室外和室内两种类型的型号,室外的有GYXTW,GYTS,GYTA,GYTA53;室内的有GJFJV。
- 96芯单模光缆 传输方面96芯单模光缆主要是以单模和多模两种规格。 在结构上96芯单模光缆主要分为中心束管式和层绞式两种结构类型。 96芯单模光缆是内置有96根光纤(成分是二氧化硅,石英玻璃)的室外通讯线缆。 在型号选型方面96芯单模光缆主要以中心束管式和层绞式两种规格类型的型号,中心束管式的有GYXTW,GYXTY,ADSS;层绞式的有GYTA,GYTS,GYTA53,GYFTY。
- 96芯室外光缆 传输方面96芯室外光缆主要是以单模和多模两种规格。 在结构上96芯室外光缆主要分为中心束管式和层绞式两种结构类型。 96芯室外光缆是内置有96根光纤(成分是二氧化硅,石英玻璃)的室外通讯线缆。 在型号选型方面96芯室外光缆主要以中心束管式和层绞式两种规格类型的型号,中心束管式的有GYXTW,GYXTY,ADSS;层绞式的有GYTA,GYTS,GYTA53,GYFTY。
- 96黄金一代 2009年11月26日,阿伦-艾弗森正式宣布退役,至此96黄金一代状元落幕。 1996年洛伦岑?赖特在首轮第7顺位被洛杉矶快船选中,是大名鼎鼎的96黄金一代乐透区成员。 毫无疑问,德国世界杯将是内德维德,以及“96黄金一代”真正的告别秀,退出舞台之前,这批才华横溢的东欧人会想着更高目标进发。 本届选秀的质量非常高,出现了现在非常著名...
- american airlines flight 96 This would be like ( imagining it occured today ) the article on American Airlines Flight 96 being deleted hours after the incident occured. "' American Airlines Flight 96 "'was a regular ...
- arado ar 96 Argus supplied wheels fitted with disc brakes e . g . for the Arado Ar 96. That evening, von Greim and Reitsch flew out from Berlin in an Arado Ar 96 trainer. During the evening, von Greim...
How can I put and write and define مارس 96 in a sentence and how is the word مارس 96 used in a sentence and examples? مارس 96造句, مارس 96造句, 用مارس 96造句, مارس 96 meaning, definition, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by ichacha.net.